types of termites

Termites 101: A Complete Guide to the Different Types of Termites

More than 600,000 homes in the United States become infested with termites every year. Left to their own devices, these tiny pests can cause thousands of dollars of damage. So getting on top of an infestation quickly is vital if you want to protect your home. However, did you know that there are currently nearly 2,750 different types of termites identified worldwide? …

Pointe PestTermites 101: A Complete Guide to the Different Types of Termites
tick bite prevention

9 Essential Tick Bite Prevention Tips for Pennsylvania Residents

Pennsylvania was the fourth highest state for Lyme disease rates at 79.7 per 100,000 people in 2018. Ticks cause a variety of other diseases in Pennsylvania, including spotted fever rickettsiosis, babesiosis, and anaplasmosis. Using tick bite prevention strategies can help you avoid becoming part of the statistics. Not only do you want to learn the best way to prevent tick bites …

Pointe Pest9 Essential Tick Bite Prevention Tips for Pennsylvania Residents
ant infestations

7 Surprising Reasons Why DIYs Fail Against Ant Infestations

Ants can do a lot more than ruin a picnic; they can destroy huge amounts of people’s property. Carpenter ants, the worst of the lot, cause serious damage to wooden structures and property each year. Letting an ant problem spiral out of control in your home could add you to their list of victims. That’s why it’s vital to tackle …

Pointe Pest7 Surprising Reasons Why DIYs Fail Against Ant Infestations
signs of mice

Common Signs of Mice in Your Home and 3 Tips to Keep Them Out

Mice might look quite cute in small numbers, but when an infestation gets out of control, they can wreak a lot of havoc. From destroying the foundations of your home and furniture to spreading disease and leaving droppings everywhere, a mice infestation is nothing to joke about. If you’ve started to notice signs of mice, you need to act fast. …

Pointe PestCommon Signs of Mice in Your Home and 3 Tips to Keep Them Out
most common spiders

Most Common Spiders Found in Pennsylvania and Are They Poisonous

Why do spiders spin webs? Because they can’t knit. All kidding aside, spiders themselves are no joke. Most people are merely disturbed by spiders, but the idea of getting bitten by a potentially poisonous spider is something to make everyone wary. To expand your knowledge and safety on common spiders in Pennsylvania, read this article. We’ll discuss the most common …

Pointe PestMost Common Spiders Found in Pennsylvania and Are They Poisonous
business pest control

Top Reasons Why Business Pest Control is a Must

Do you have reason to believe that there’s a pest problem in your office, but afraid to peel back the curtain and find out? Have you been putting off pest control for your company to try and cut corners on your budget? If so, you need to learn more about business pest control right away. Doing so can help point …

Pointe PestTop Reasons Why Business Pest Control is a Must
home pest control

Home Pest Control: Common Winter Pests and What to Do About Them

When winter’s chill hits and the grass gets covered in a blanket of snow and ice, most of us head indoors to cuddle up under blankets of a different kind. You aren’t the only ones using your house as a shelter from the cold, though—the winter season is prime-time for a variety of pests to make their way indoors. Have …

Pointe PestHome Pest Control: Common Winter Pests and What to Do About Them
environmentally friendly pest control

7 Reasons to Choose Environmentally Friendly Pest Control

Let’s cut to the chase: pests in your home is one of the biggest nuisances in the world. You want them gone, and fast. Your first instinct may be to grab the harshest chemicals on the store shelf to take care of them, but we think you should reconsider. Going green is more popular than ever, and in some areas of …

Pointe Pest7 Reasons to Choose Environmentally Friendly Pest Control