common spiders in PA

These Are the Most Common Spiders in PA You’ll Find in Your Home

Around the world, there are more than 45,000 known spiders, over 3,000 of which are found right here in the United States. These long-legged creatures are part of the Arachnida class and in their natural habitat are very beneficial to the ecosystem.

But the real question is, what are the common spiders in Pennsylvania?

For those looking for the best, check out this comprehensive guide of the most common spiders in PA you’ll find in your home.

Read on to learn more.


One of the most common household spiders in PA is the Agelenidae, better known as the funnel weavers. This includes both grass spiders and the barn funnel weaver spider.

Most recognizable by their large, sheet-like webs with a tunnel located to one side, the funnel weavers are often found on weeds, ivy, and grass. They commonly seek indoors around fall time when it becomes too cold for comfort outdoors.

The funnel weavers are yellow-brown in color and have a long band pattern that runs vertically from their eyes to their back. This species of spider is notoriously shy and is not known to bite people.


Another one of the common house spiders in PA is the Araneidae. The Araneidae, also known as the orb weavers, consists of several species including the:

  • Yellow garden spider
  • Banded garden spider
  • Cross orb weaver
  • Marbled orb weaver
  • Fierce orb weaver
  • Spined micrathena

Likely originally introduced from Europe, the orb weavers often make their webs next to buildings, especially near exterior light sources.

Best identified by their white or yellow spots, these spiders can grow up to 20 millimeters in length. The orb weavers are most often seen from late summer through the fall season.

If bitten, the orb weavers cause a wide range of symptoms including but not limited to pain, swelling, redness, muscle cramps, and nausea.

If your symptoms of reactions do not clear within three weeks, be sure to visit your medical healthcare professional for additional care.


The infamous Lycosidae, or wolf spiders, are common spiders in eastern PA. Though only occasionally spotted in Pennsylvania homes, these large hunting spiders can grow up to a whopping 35 millimeters in length.

Wolf spiders are best identified by the distinct yellow hairs around their eyes. In their natural habitat, they live in tunnels and holes in the soil. They are nocturnal animals and are therefore most often seen at night time.

Inside homes, they are typically found in basements or between boards. Though there are no serious medical issues associated with wolf spider bites, they’re known to bite if they feel in danger.

It’s always best to consult a professional to make sure the spider is taken care of without confrontation.


One of the most mobile and active spiders in PA is the salticidae, better known as the jumping spider. The jumping spider includes four species:

  • Bronze jumper
  • Emerald jumper
  • Bold jumper
  • Zebra jumper

As their name suggests, the jumping spider will pounce on their prey from a large distance. They have excellent eyesight and have an impressive track record for successive hunting. Spiders are carnivores and will eat prey such as:

  • Flies
  • Mosquitos
  • Moths
  • Beetles
  • Crickets

This small, hairy spider has a bright white, orange, or yellow on their chest and thick tufts of hair around their eyes resembling eyebrows. They are found outside along windowsills, deck railings, and under large rocks.

They are a smaller spider and tend to back away from people when approached. If bitten, there are no significant side effects.


The Theridiidae, or cobweb spiders, claim the infamous southern black widow spider. This female southern black widow spider has a distinct red hourglass pattern on their underside and the male has white underbody markings.

Black widow males are frequently killed and eaten by the female spider after mating, giving her the well-known name “widow”.

Most black widow bites occur during the summer season when she is busy protecting her eggs. This venomous spider bite can potentially cause severe side effects such as:

  • Rash
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Urine retention
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble with motor functions
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Muscle aches

Death from a black widow bite is extremely rare, though you may need Latrodectus antivenin. In any event, if you have a black widow in your home, be sure to get it professionally surveyed to make sure you are safe.


The Sicariidae, better known as the brown recluse spider, is rarely encountered in Pennsylvania but they can be very dangerous. They are naturally native to the central and south of North America in states such as:

  • Oklahoma
  • Arkansas
  • Georgia
  • Texas
  • Kansas

They are identifiable by their chocolate brown coloration and a v-shaped marking near their eyes. The brown recluse spider can live for two to three years. If you suspect you see one, do not touch it.

This spider is not often found outdoors, but rather likes to stick to the inside of buildings. Though about 90 percent of brown recluse bites cause little to no reaction, there are a few severe cases reported each year.

In less than 1 percent of people bitten, acute kidney injury, and hemolytic anemia occur. If you experience any symptoms of this nature, call emergency services immediately.

Common Spiders in PA You’ll Find in Your Home

If you want to know what are the most common spiders in PA that you’ll find in your home and which ones should worry you, be sure to consult this comprehensive guide so you’re always prepared.

Want to see more posts like this one? Check out the rest of our blog to learn more! For helping managing spiders in and around your home, contact us today.

Pointe PestThese Are the Most Common Spiders in PA You’ll Find in Your Home