Don’t Let Your House Fall to Pests this Fall

With fall on its way in, you may are probably going to be spending some time winterizing lawnmowers, doing a bit of work outside in your yard and getting ready for cold weather to arrive. Another potential problem you may face this fall is an infestation. As temperatures drop, your home becomes the target for a variety of pests. If you want to improve the defense of your home to pest infestations, all you need to do is contact Pointe Pest Control. Our problem solving technicians are ready to help you with your pest problems. We specialize in residential pest control, and we have the tools, training and experience you need for effective pest eradication solutions.

The Pests in Question

Pointe Pest Control wants to help you combat pesky pests. Here are some of the pests that want to transform your home, into their home.

  • Mice: While there are plenty of cartoons that portray mice as fun and happy, don’t believe them. Mice are destructive thieves. Their goal is to steal your food, and contaminate everything else. They can chew up your furniture, and ruin your food. Mice are referred to as vectors for disease, because they transmit and spread a large number of bacteria, viruses, and parasites. As the weather cools, they will be looking for a way into your home. A mouse can fit through a hole that is the size of a nickel. If there are gaps or cracks in your foundation, your home has a weakness.
  • Squirrels: Like rodents, squirrels carry a variety of nasty diseases. They often get into attics because they love the warmth your home provided in the fall. Squirrels are able to jump an estimated 9 feet horizontally. They access attics from nearby trees, or other vegetation. If your attic has any weaknesses, squirrels will find it and begin living right above your head.
  • Rats: Like mice and squirrels, rats transmit diseases. They can infest crawl spaces, or attics. Rats can fit their furry bodies through a hole that is the size of a quarter.
  • Wasps: If you home has a chimney, then you might find yourself battle wasps the moment you start your first fire. Queen wasps love to find a place to overwinter and a chimney is the perfect solution. When you start your first fire, the smoke will cause the sleeping wasps to drop into your home. This can be prevented with the correct screening on your chimney.
  • Cluster flies: As winter approaches, cluster flies are looking for a safe place to hang out until spring arrives. Your attic is an ideal location. While your attic might not be as warm as the rest of your home, it is warmer than outside, and is protected from wind and snow. In autumn, you will notice large numbers of flies gathering on you’re the southern facing side of you home. If there are any unprotected gaps on the eaves of your home, your attic will be swarming with cluster flies. On warm days, they will wake up, descend into your home, and start looking for a way outside. In severe infestations, the number of flies in your home will make you shiver.
  • Spiders: Spiders can be active in the wintertime if they gain access to your home. Unfortunately, the warmth of your home is a draw for things a variety of pests, and spiders follow them inside. Spiders can thrive if they can find a few insects to eat.

Beat Back the Bugs

Before you throw your hands up in defeat, you need to know that Pointe Pest Control is here to help. We provide reliable residential pest control. We understand the different types of pests that love to infest your home in the fall. We work with you to create a treatment plan that will effectively eliminate any pest. We focus on finding the best methods for pest control, and combine that with efforts to keep them out of your home. We use the most current and scientifically proven methods to provide residential pest control you can count on. We have the experience to understand how pests invade, and we put our knowledge and experience to work for you. When you want the best in residential pest control, you need to call in the experts with Pointe Pest Control. No matter the type of pest or the size of the infestation, we can help solve your pest puzzle.

niftyadminDon’t Let Your House Fall to Pests this Fall