Don’t Let Your House Fall to Pests this Fall

With fall on its way in, you may are probably going to be spending some time winterizing lawnmowers, doing a bit of work outside in your yard and getting ready for cold weather to arrive. Another potential problem you may face this fall is an infestation. As temperatures drop, your home becomes the target for a variety of pests. If …

niftyadminDon’t Let Your House Fall to Pests this Fall


Spiders are pretty well known and do not need much of help in terms of an appearance description to make then recognizable. Eight legs, no wings, two body regions, no antennae- That’s it! House spiders occur throughout the world. Their name is derived from their presence inside human housings. This covers quite a number of species although the common house spider is the most recognized. SIGNS OF A …

Andrew IsraelsenSpiders