poisonous spiders in NJ

Are There Poisonous Spiders in NJ? a Complete Guide

Are you afraid of the creepy crawlies? Are you worried about poisonous spiders invading your home?

Well, some fears are more irrational than others. Spiders can be an issue for many people, and some of them can be poisonous, which makes it dangerous for so many people.

Let’s go through the different types of poisonous spiders in NJ and how you can avoid them.

Black Widow Spiders

Black widow spiders are one of the most notorious types of poisonous spiders, but did you know they are commonly found in New Jersey? Black widows are, as you might have surmised from their name, one of the most poisonous types of spiders out there.

However, there is good news. Black widow spiders don’t actually tend to bite people unless they feel like they need to. Additionally, only the bites from female black widow spiders are actually poisonous. However, around 2,200 bites are still reported every single year.

Black widow spiders are black, and appear somewhat shiny, with a red twisty shape that makes them stand out from most other spiders. They usually stay in darker areas, which makes it harder to find them.

People usually get bitten by black widow spiders when they don’t see them in places they are hiding. These can include in your shoes, or within your sheets when you’re getting into bed, so you should be vigilant if you live in an area prone to black widow spiders.

Wolf Spiders

Are you afraid of the big, bad, wolf….spider? Well, you should be.

Wolf spiders are bigger than the average spider, and they tend to ambush their prey. Wolf spiders don’t tend to bite unless they are provoked, but you’ll need to watch out when they do.

Wolf spiders don’t create webs and instead, lurk on the ground. They tend to like places like garages, sheds, and basements.

These spiders are usually dark brown in color and are furry in appearance. Their coloring makes it easy for them to blend in with their surroundings, so it’s easier for them to hunt.

Wolf spiders are one of the fastest types of spiders out there and have great eyesight, which they use to hunt their prey. They are also nocturnal, so if you’re worried about wolf spiders, you should be looking for them at night rather than during the day.

Also, wolf spiders are great at adapting to their surroundings. There are species of wolf spiders that live all over the world, not just in New Jersey!

Yellow Sac Spiders

These little spiders are often found in the home, so you should be looking out for signs of the yellow sac spider. These spiders hang out in a sac with their eggs during the day and come out at night. So, if you discover web sacs behind objects in your home, you may have a sac spider infestation that needs to be taken care of.

Yellow sac spider bites can cause tissue death, so it’s really important to watch out for these spiders. There are other types of sac spiders, but the yellow variety tends to be the most dangerous.

How dangerous the bites are depends on each person’s sensitivity, but they tend to be more dangerous for older people and for children.

Yellow sac spiders are actually aggressive and will look for and bite humans when given the opportunity. If you think you may have yellow sac spiders in your home or business, you should call for an exterminator ASAP and find out what your options are.

Brown Recluse Spiders

Like their name suggests, these spiders are famously reclusive. They often hide, like under objects or in things that can camouflage them, like piles of leaves or wood. Unfortunately, these spiders can be especially dangerous because bites may not be detected until the victim starts experiencing symptoms.

Brown recluse spiders can also survive in hot and cold weather, so you should be watching out for them all year long. They can also survive without food or water for long periods of time, which makes them one of the more adaptable species of spiders.

Brown recluse spiders can be especially dangerous for older adults and children, so it’s important to be vigilant if you’re in an area that tends to be prone to spider infestations.

There’s no need to panic though. Like many spiders, brown recluse spiders normally only bite if confined in a way that makes it necessary for them to defend themselves.

These spiders aren’t solitary and tend to hang out in groups, so if you see one, there may be a lot more that you don’t see. Brown recluse spiders can be identified by a violin-shaped marking on its body.

Orbweaver Spiders

These spiders create webs in areas that you might walk into, which means that they’ll be able to bite you much more easily. There are several types of orbweaver spiders, and they can be different amounts of poisonous, depending on the species.

However, orbweaver spiders are also great for controlling the insect population, so you may want to weigh the pros and cons of getting rid of the orbweaver spiders around your home.

If you struggle with a surplus of flies, ants, or other annoying bugs, you may want to leave the orbweaver population on your property alone.

Poisonous Spiders in NJ Aren’t the End of the World

Just because there are poisonous spiders in NJ, doesn’t mean you need to live in fear. There are plenty of actions you can take to protect yourself, your home, and your family from any poisonous spiders that may be in your area.

If you think poisonous spiders or other types of bugs may be invading your New Jersey home, make sure that you contact us today to get them out of there!

Pointe PestAre There Poisonous Spiders in NJ? a Complete Guide