rodents in the house

Rodents in the House? Learn How They May Have Gotten Inside

Hearing the pitter-patter of rodents in the house? Noticing the physical signs of their presence? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you have a rodent problem to solve.

But how exactly do you begin fixing your rodent problem? Believe it or not, it’s as simple as finding the source. Knowing where these rodents are entering will allow you to divert their migration; allowing you to take care of the situation as a whole.

Want to learn the exact location where your rodents issue started? Just keep on reading. Everything you need to know is listed below.

How Do Rodents Get in the House?

Rodents are small creatures, allowing them to access your home through the smallest of holes opening, cracks, etc.). In other words, if there’s a hole, they will get in it. This is why it is important to check any of the following places and patch accordingly.

1. Open Doors

Whether it’s a garage door or a front door, rodents will take advantage of them. If you often leave your door open for long periods, chances are your rat problem started here. Closing your doors and never leaving them unattended (when opened) are the best solutions to this entrance.

If you take away their opened doors, rodents can’t welcome themselves in anymore.

2. Plants and Decorations

Every homeowner wants to make their house look good, but your plants and home decoration just may be the cause of your mouse/rodent issue. Rodents often hide or create nests inside garden decorations while they sit in stores. This means that, if you’re lucky enough to pick up a rat-infested plant, you’re giving them a free ride into your home.

The same can go for stored decorations as well. When they sit in your attic/basement for months on end, rats tend to burrow in them.

This is why it is important to check your items before bringing them into your house. If you do realize that you have an item housing a rodent, keep it out of your home and take the necessary steps to remove it.

3. Chimneys

During colder months, rats may use your chimney to access your home’s warmth. This access point can become an issue because your chimney is always open. There is no way you can close it.

But you can perform annual chimney inspections and cleanings to ensure any rodent nests are removed and disposed of.

4. Holes/Cracks

Regardless of their location (windows, ceilings, walls, etc.) rats love holes and they will use them. If you notice any open cracks around your house, take the time to appropriately fill them. This includes the small ones most things can’t fit through.

Rodents have a wonderful ability to utilize even the smallest of holes. When corrected, you’ll begin to notice fewer mice in the house.

5. Pets

It is not uncommon for animals to be attracted to rodents, especially when they believe they’re dead. But sometimes these little creatures hold on and your pets end up being the reason you have rats in the house. The best way to prevent any pet-related infestations, check their mouth before they enter the house.

If you aren’t comfortable opening their jawing yourself, try placing a bowl of water next to the door. Anything hiding in their mouth will fall out before they get their drink.

What Attracts Rodents?

Chances are, if rodents squeeze their way into your home, something attracted them. Sometimes this is something as simple as open bags of human/animals food or your trash. Rats are attracted to all the decomposing food living in your garbage and compost.

If you own open trashcans or own a compost bin, find a way to ensure they are sealed off from the outside world. Another common attraction for rats is warmth in the winter. If it’s cold outside, rodents will try anything to get warm.

This includes running into your home unwelcomed. During colder months, try extra hard to keep your home sealed off from the outside. This will lessen your chances of any rodents getting in your house.

Best Way to Get Rid of Rodents in the House

You should begin taking care of your rodent problem once you see the signs of their presence. If you wait long enough, more will come and join their friends, or they will begin reproducing. There are many approaches you can take when it comes to rodent removal; some of them are easier than others.

Snap Traps

One of the most common at-home remedies is snap traps. These are small traps you manually load and bait with a slice of cheese/food. When the mouse runs on the trap to get their meal, the trap will trigger and instantly kill them.

Stick Traps

Another common trap is the stick trap. These are similar to snap traps, but they do not kill the rodent. Instead, they will get stuck to the sticky film and must wait for you to remove and rid of them.

This is the most humane option for rat removal.


If you’re not into traps, you could also try sprinkling rat poison in their burrows, food, or entrances. When exposed, rodents will quickly react to the poison and die. Just remember to keep this away from your pets and children; they will have a similar reaction when exposed to poison.

Call Pest Control

If you have multiple rodents or rats in the house, at-home remedies will not work. Instead, you will need to call a professional for help. They will know the best, safest, and most effective extermination methods for your household.

They can also begin preventative measures to ensure your rodent problem does not come back and clean up rodent feces/waste in a sanitary manner. This is important because diseases can be spread through their waste.

Solve Your Rodent Problem

Know that you know where rodents are entering your house and how to get rid of them, all you need to do is begin the extraction process. If you notice the infestation is beyond your control, give Pointe Pest Control a call. Our team of professionals will be more than happy to help you effectively remove any rodents in the house.

Visit our website to learn more about our team, services, and contact us today.

Pointe PestRodents in the House? Learn How They May Have Gotten Inside