What Mosquito-Borne Diseases Are There In Pennsylvania?

Mosquito borne diseases in Pennsylvania

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There are many cases of mosquito-borne diseases that have appeared in Pennsylvania. Some of these include Eastern equine encephalitis, chikungunya, and canine heartworm, which is only a threat to dogs. Zika has also gotten some news coverage, but the biggest threat to Pennsylvanians is West Nile virus.

Some general symptoms of West Nile virus that has affected many in Pennsylvania include fever, rash, body aches, joint pain, fatigue, weakness, and symptoms associated with the flu. Symptoms that are more serious include neurological illness, tremors, seizures, disorientation, paralysis, coma, and death. For ten percent of the people that develop a neurological condition, it is fatal.

To prevent the deaths and sickness that occur in Pennsylvania from West Nile, each year cases of those that contracted the virus are tracked and counted in several counties throughout the state. This is part of an ongoing surveillance program.

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