Common Methods (and Myths) for Repelling and Preventing Mice in Your Home

Mice can be found outdoors around wooded areas throughout the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware areas. Their small size allows them to easily make their way indoors. These creatures can create a real nuisance for property owners and can spread germs and diseases. At Pointe Pest Control, our pest professionals highlight the most effective ways to deal with this problem while shattering some common DIY myths.

The Importance of Mouse Prevention and Addressing a Mouse Problem

There are numerous types of mice that can be found within the area and in surrounding states. The ones most likely to be encountered by property owners are the white-footed mouse, meadow mouse, and the aptly named house mouse. While in the same family of rodents as rats, mice tend to have a less threatening reputation. However, it is important to be aware they can still cause significant problems and need to be addressed immediately to prevent an infestation.

Mice can burrow into walls and crawl spaces, chewing through wood, wiring, and insulation. They can also destroy cardboard boxes in storage and do damage to clothing and important documents. One of the biggest problems with mice is the threat of disease. They can transmit germs and bacteria through one of two ways:

  • Bites or scratches: While a mouse is more likely to run than attack you, a chance encounter could result in bites or scratches that put you at risk for potentially life-threatening fevers and infections.
  • Inhaled or ingested mouse dust: When mice urinate and defecate in your home, it eventually turns into dust. This carries bacteria, which can be inhaled or even transferred to food supplies, resulting in salmonella and other dangerous infections.

Try These Mouse Repellent/Prevention Tips

It is important to be aware that if you see one mouse in your home, there is a good chance you have an infestation. Tell tale signs include chewed wiring and boxes in your attic and scratching noises from behind walls or under floors. Below are a few tips for repelling mice and preventing them from entering your home:

  • Seal small holes around your home that may be allowing mice to get in. Patch larger sized holes in interior/exterior walls and stuff steel wool into smaller spaces.
  • Clean food and water sources around your property. Turn compost piles regularly to cover food scraps, keep garbage cans clean with lids tightly closed, and avoid setting out food for deer or other creatures until your mouse situation is under control.
  • Remove nesting sites. Mice can hide in leaf piles, other yard debris, and in heavy mulch. Avoid over-mulching and remove leaves or other yard debris immediately after raking or cutting.
  • Use mouse traps: There are a variety of safe, effective mouse traps on the market, which can help reduce your mouse population.

One of the most common and natural solutions for preventing mice is to get a cat. However, be aware that not all cats will go after mice. Even if yours does, mice tend to spend a good deal of time hidden behind walls and in other enclosed areas, where your cat will be unable to reach them.

Mouse Repellent Myths

There are numerous over-the-counter products that are advertised to repel mice and to prevent an infestation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that while certain formulas may be mildly effective, they can also be dangerous to both humans and pets and should only be handled by pest control professionals. There are other DIY mouse control methods, but their effectiveness is largely a myth.

  • Moth balls: While effective in preventing moths, these are unlikely to have any effect on mice.
  • Peppermint oil: The theory is that the strong smell of peppermint is a natural repellent to mice. While they do have a more sensitive sense of smell, the fact that they can withstand the smell of raw sewage and garbage makes it unlikely that peppermint will be enough to keep them from your home.
  • Ultrasonic rodent repellants: While some have positive reviews, they are unlikely to be effective in dealing with an infestation in your home.

Contact Our Pest Control Professionals for Preventative Pest Control Help

To get rid of mice and keep them from returning to your home, the easiest and most effective solution is to contact Pointe Pest Control. To request a free consultation, call or contact our pest control specialists online today.

niftyadminCommon Methods (and Myths) for Repelling and Preventing Mice in Your Home