Cold Weather Pest Problems

Most folks operate under the assumption that pest problems are something that happens in the warm weather months of the year. While it’s true that some pests take the winter off, there are certainly others that don’t. For pest control specialists, that means paying special attention to the interior of properties and not worrying so much about the exterior.

Much like you, pests don’t thrive in the winter cold. They seek shelter where it’s warm—your home. Below, we’ll discuss the pests you need to worry about during the winter months and what you can do about them.


Spiders go where their prey goes. If their prey goes inside your house, then that’s exactly where you’ll find the spiders too. That means that you could be dealing with these buggers all winter long if you’re not careful.

Pointe Pest Control will go through your basement and attic looking for dank and dark spaces where spiders typically like to hide. We’ll search for cobwebs and remove them and then spray infested areas.


As the weather begins to change, rodents will search for safe harbor in homes where climate control provides them with temperate breeding and feeding grounds. However, you don’t want these furry creatures in your home. Not only do they carry and spread sometimes fatal diseases, but they can also contaminate food, cause severe property damage, and otherwise make your home eminently less livable.

Mice and rats are a particularly difficult problem to get rid of once they’ve gotten in. Pointe Pest Control will treat attics, basements, crawlspaces, and other areas with bait stations. We will monitor the bait stations and refill them as needed.

Cluster Flies, Ants, & Boxelder Bugs

Even in situations where the pest remains dormant for the winter, you can get a nasty surprise during the first thaw if you haven’t treated your home during the winter. These critters can sense when the weather is ripe for waking up, and then begin going about their business, pestering you.

Pointe Pest recommends you treat your attics and your basements so that, come spring, you don’t have a massive onslaught of pests already doing damage in your home. You can catch them when they’re in hibernation, which is considerably better.

You want to particularly be on the lookout for winged carpenter ants during the winter months (yes, some ants can fly). Ants are divided into a caste structure with workers, warriors, and reproductive ants. The flying ants are reproductive ants and if you see one in your home in the winter, that’s generally a sign that you have an active infestation somewhere within your home.

Weather Proofing & Pest Proofing In Winter

It may be an attractive option to just enjoy the fact that there are fewer pests around this winter. However, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) recommends that all homeowners take several preventative measures to prevent pest infiltration of their homes. These include:

  • Sealing cracks along the outside of your home to prevent rodent infiltration. This needs to include checking areas where pipes, utilities, and other access points might permit entry. A mouse is capable of fitting under and through very small openings.
  • Replacing loose mortar and weather stripping around the foundation and windows.
  • Storing firewood at least 20 feet from your home. Mice, ants, and other critters will make nests in woodpiles and, if your home is nearby, they’ll venture toward it eventually.
  • Reducing clutter will make your home less desirable for insects and rodents. Neither particularly like wide-open areas and prefer to move around in the dark, like ninjas. Avoid keeping boxes on the floor and reduce clutter in storage spaces to the extent that you can.
  • Checking your pipes, faucets, and drains. Anywhere there is moisture, pests will congregate. Kitchens and bathrooms need double attention. Areas of excess moisture become vulnerable to cockroach infestations.
  • Installing door sweeps will help keep pests from coming from the outside and getting in.
  • Keeping areas like attics and basements dry and ventilated. Flooding basements are a beacon to pests.

Talk To Point Pest Control About Pest Prevention

Pests are a problem in winter. In fact, if you have a pest control problem in the winter months, that generally tends to mean you have a very serious problem. For those seeking to avoid dealing with these critters all year long, Pointe Pest Control offers free inspections to shore up your defenses and make recommendations on treatments that will prevent the problem from getting out of control. Talk to our local pest control experts today to schedule your free inspection.

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