are spiders insects

Are Spiders Insects? Every Spider Question You Have Answered

Are you scared of spiders? Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias, and even among those who aren’t scared of spiders, there’s something about them that makes a lot of us squirm.

While a lot of us want to keep our homes spider-free, many people don’t know that much about these eight-legged creatures. Are spiders insects? Are they dangerous?

In this guide, we’re going to answer some of the most common spider questions to help you better understand these bugs. Are you ready to learn more? Then read on!

1. Are Spiders Insects?

Spider pest control is often conducted by the same companies that will routinely exterminate insects. This means that many people assume that spiders are insects.

However, they are not! Spiders are arachnids, a class of small creatures that have eight legs, segmented bodies, and strong exoskeletons. Other arachnids include scorpions, mites, and ticks.

By contrast, insects always have six legs, have a pair of antennae on their heads, and have bodies that are divided into a head, thorax, and abdomen.

While we may commonly refer to both insects and arachnids as bugs, they’re quite different. It’s also worth noting that arachnids are not technically bugs either, nor are all insects. The name bug technically refers to insects of the order Hemiptera, which includes creatures like aphids and cicadas.

2. How Many Eyes do Spiders Have?

If you’ve ever looked at a spider close-up, you’ll have noticed that they have a lot of eyes. Most spiders have eight eyes, but some species have up to 12!

Despite the sheer quantity of eyes, most spiders have pretty terrible vision. Many can only detect differences between light and dark. Some species have better eyesight, but still not a match for a human’s.

In general, spiders use other senses to get around, especially touch. They have a keen sense of touch that allows them to detect vibrations with ease, which is how they can tell that a bug is struggling in their web.

3. How Many Types of Spider Are There?

There are many different types of spiders! Around the world, there are over 45,000 different species. In the United States, there are around 3000 different species.

4. Are All Spiders Poisonous?

This question is a little tricky to answer. All spiders have venom: they use this to kill their prey such as insects and other animals. However, the vast majority of spider species do not bite humans.

Some are incapable of biting humans as their fangs are too small. In other species, it’s simply a case of humans not being something that they’re interested in: we’re far too big for them to eat, and they’re much more likely to be scared of us.

Even if a spider does bite you, in most cases the bite feels like a wasp sting. However, there are some species that call the US home that can give you a much nastier bite.

For instance, in Pennsylvania, you can find both the black widow and brown recluse spiders. The former can kill, while a bite from a brown recluse can cause necrosis, or tissue death.

If you think that you have either of these spiders in your home, you should arrange for spider control immediately.

5. What Are Spider Webs Made From?

Spider webs are made from spider silk, a type of silk that spiders produce with special organs called spinnerets. It’s made from proteins, and it’s incredibly strong.

It’s five times as strong as steel thanks to its construction. Thousands of small strands come together to form the strands that we see in spider webs.

Not every spider weaves the stereotypical web that we recognize from our homes, either. Some species weave webs that are circular, others weave funnel-like or tubular webs, while some weave webs that are akin to large sheets.

6. Can Any Spiders Fly?

No species of spider has wings and can fly in the traditional way. However, certain species of spiders, such as erigone atra, can use their web to glide, which is known as ballooning.

To do this, the spider will weave a small string of web and let it catch on an air current, which will then lift the spider up and transport it elsewhere.

7. Do Spiders Have Blood?

Spiders do have blood, but they don’t have arteries and veins as humans do. They have an open circulatory system, which means that their blood is spread throughout their body, rather than confined to vessels.

Not only do spiders not have blood vessels, but their blood also isn’t red. Spider blood is a blue color due to the presence of a chemical called hemocyanin.

Their blood is similar to humans’ blood in one respect, however: it contains special blood cells that can fight against infections and help heal wounds.

8. Do Spiders Have Claws?

Most of us have never stopped to take a good look at a spider’s legs, but if you did, you’d notice that it’s segmented. Specifically, there are seven segments in a spider’s leg, and at the end of a spider’s leg, you’ll find claws.

Most web-weaving spiders have three claws on each leg, which help the spider cling to its web. These claws are tiny, however, so they shouldn’t be a worry for you.

Spider Questions: Answered

When we started this article, you wanted to know the answers to “are spiders insects?” and other common questions. We hope that you’ve found this article interesting and educational. While most spiders aren’t a cause for concern, some species can be dangerous.

If your home has an infestation of spiders that you’d like us to deal with, we’ll be happy to help you. For more information about our services or to get a quote, please contact us.

Pointe PestAre Spiders Insects? Every Spider Question You Have Answered