prevent termites

How to Prevent Termites From Invading Your Home

Finding termites in your home is a nightmare no homeowner wants to experience. Termites can quickly take over your home by eating through its wooden structure. Eventually, termites can access the inside of your home by crawling through small openings or by chewing right through the walls. Unfortunately, your home’s walls aren’t the only things in danger of termite damage. …

Pointe PestHow to Prevent Termites From Invading Your Home
termite infestation

The Potential Dangers of a Termite Infestation

When people think of infestations, they think of cockroaches and ants. Those are important pests to consider. But you should also consider termites. Termites cause five billion dollars in damages every year. Some species can eat for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, causing incredible damage. Termite damage is significant. They don’t just leave unseemly droppings on your …

Pointe PestThe Potential Dangers of a Termite Infestation
how to get rid of termites

How to Get Rid of Termites: The Facts You Need to Know

You’re relaxing in your living room when you notice something odd in the corner of the room. A small pile of dust and crumbling wood litter the area where the wall and the wood floor meet. Upon closer inspection, you notice small maze-like patterns and more small piles throughout your house. Your stomach drops as you realize you have a termite …

Pointe PestHow to Get Rid of Termites: The Facts You Need to Know
types of termites

Termites 101: A Complete Guide to the Different Types of Termites

More than 600,000 homes in the United States become infested with termites every year. Left to their own devices, these tiny pests can cause thousands of dollars of damage. So getting on top of an infestation quickly is vital if you want to protect your home. However, did you know that there are currently nearly 2,750 different types of termites identified worldwide? …

Pointe PestTermites 101: A Complete Guide to the Different Types of Termites
signs of termites

It’s Not Too Late: 5 Signs You’ve Got Termites in Your Home

The U.S Department of Agriculture predicts that termites cause over a billion dollars of damage to homes in America every year. No homeowner wants to discover a colony of termites in their property because of the havoc they can cause. Because of this, you must know the telltale signs of termites so you can take immediate action. Not sure what …

Pointe PestIt’s Not Too Late: 5 Signs You’ve Got Termites in Your Home

How To Get Rid of Termites in Eastern Pennsylvania

An average colony consists of 60,000 to 250,000 individuals but colonies numbering in the millions are possible. A queen might live for up to 30 years and workers as long as five years. With Termites voracious appetite, these silent destroyers can inhale an entire home before they are even discovered. Just in a few years your house could be home to …

Andrew IsraelsenHow To Get Rid of Termites in Eastern Pennsylvania