Odorous House Ant

Odorous house ant (Tapinoma Sessile) is a small ant specie that resides in houses and has a repugnant odor. They are also called sugar ant, stink ant, and coconut ant. They are social ants that live in colonies with hundreds of workers and one queen per colony or thousands of workers and hundred queens in closely knit territories. The odorous …

niftyadminOdorous House Ant

Spiders of Red, Brown and Black

You may have heard the phrase, Good things come in threes. Unfortunately this term is not true when it comes to spiders that get into your home. Seeing a single spider in your home, is seeing one too many. If you are tired of watching spiders walk up your walls, Pointe Pest Control can help. If you are tired of …

niftyadminSpiders of Red, Brown and Black

Paper Wasps Around The Home

Paper wasps are stinging insects and although they are essential in reducing pest populations by feeding on the larva of the pests, even though it can be helpful, it’s dangerous to allow paper wasps population to grow around the home. If stung by a paper wasp it can be very painful, even fatal. If you have seen signs of paper …

niftyadminPaper Wasps Around The Home

House Centipedes

  House centipedes (Scutigera ceoleoptrata) are long, flat arthropods with many legs, one pair on each body segment. They belong to the class Chilopoda. The adult house centipede has 15 pairs of legs with the last set on adult females almost double the length of the body. The total length varies from 1-4 inches (from antennae to legs ending). Its …

niftyadminHouse Centipedes

The Bad Bugs of Delaware

Next time you step outside and see a ladybug, you are staring at our state insect. That’s right, Delaware has a state insect and it is the happy little ladybug. The lady bug is a great critter to have around your house. Ladybugs love eating the aphids off of your rose bushes. Farmers will buy ladybugs in bulk to control …

niftyadminThe Bad Bugs of Delaware

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps (Polistes spp) are little stinging insects (2cm to 3cm in length) that are dark brown, with black wings and yellow markings. They gather fibres from dead wood and plant stems, which when mixed with their saliva, is used to construct nests. The nests are water resistant and are grey or brown. They create unique designs, and there is …

niftyadminPaper Wasps